Gov. J. Antonio Leviste is a distinguished member of an illustrious Batangas family reowned in both business and politics. He served as the youngest governor of the province of Batangas from 1972 to 1980 and, until recently, as Governor of the Board of Investments.
He graduated at The Lyceum Of The Philippines In 1959 and was the President Of Batangas Varsitarian,a prestigious organization for Batangueno college students.During his term as Governor of Batangas, he was elected member of the Batasang Bayan chairman of the Regional Development Council, Vice President of the League of Governors and City Mayors, and chairman of the Program for Forest Ecosystem Management.
He was a staunch advocate of the environment. He initiated a forest ecosystem management program which today continues to be a model in reforestation that made him earn the coveted "Ten Outstanding Young Men of the Philippines" (TOYM) award for Public Administration.
He was chosen the "Realtor of the Year" by the Business Writers Association of the Philippines and served as the director in various government agencies, including the People's Homesite and Housing Corporation (now the NHA), Philippine Ports Authority, Philippine Aerospace Development Corporation, Semirara Mining Corporation and the Philippine Tourism Authority. He was co-founder of the Pasay Board of Realtors and the Philippine Association of Real Estate Boards. He also served as Chairman of the Philippine Leisure and Retirement Authority. He holds the rank of Lt. Commander in the Philippine Navy Reserve Force and is the Honorary Consul General of the State of Palestine.
Today, he is a pillar of the Philippine tourism and real estate industries. He is the charter president of the Resort Association of the Philippines and co-founder of the Tourism Council of the Philippines. He is the Chief Executive Officer of the Leviste Group of Companies, real estate firm with a proven track record of more then 50 years engaged in housing, subdivision, condominium and resort development.